
The Power of YOU

Let's start over, shall we? I haven't posted anything in months, and sadly I have killed this place. I'm hoping to change that. I have a three month series I want to implement about the influence you can and already do have on this world. Life is a blank canvas and your character is the paint that colors this pilgrim life we live.

So, let's start over.

Hi, I'm Sarah. I'm a Christian, saved by the blood and grace of Jesus Christ. I'm a child of a King who owns this entire universe and the universes beyond. I'm nothing special or significant. My words are merely flickers in this dying, dark world. But even me, sitting in this small south eastern town in a north western state, can spark a flame. It takes one match to start an entire forest fire. It takes one word to make or break a world. It takes one moment to create or destroy a relationship.

So hello. YOU have power. YOU can influence this world. What are you doing about it?

Every day we see people, we interact with people, (unless of course you're a hermit living in the mountains with no communication) and the influence we have on souls is sometimes overwhelming to think about. How many little kids look up to you and want to be you when they grow up? How many friends and acquaintances do you communicate with on a daily basis? How many people know you? I mean, truly know you?

Many, many people come into contact with you. You have met hundred upon hundred of people in your lifetime. You don't have to be famous, you don't have to be an extrovert to have an effect on the people around you. Even just a simple 'hello' and a smile can change someone's world.

So that's what the Influence series will be on: YOU making a difference; YOU having an impact for Christ, an impact for Christianity, and an impact for humanity.

I'm just a small town girl, trying hard to live a big life, trying hard to be an influence that will be for the better and not for the worse. Do you want to leave a legacy? Do you want to influence and empower those around you? Are you trying to live fully for Jesus?

YOU have power...How are you going to use it?

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