
a thingy because busy week and yeah

So to be honest, I didn't feel like anything I wrote would be of good quality this week, so hence this. I was tagged back at the beginning (I'm so tired, it took me like three tries to spell 'beginning' right...) of may and wasn't going to do this, because I don't like these things, but yeah. Here I am. Just 'cuz.

Don't ask what it means or how it got started, but I was tagged. It's like those weird facebook games where you answer several questions and then tag people to answer the same questions. Except this time, it's different. So, without further ado, I give you the RULES. (Oh my goodness, rules. Who knew?)

Link back to the person that tagged you
Answer their 11 questions
Tag up to 11 bloggers
Ask them 11 questions
Let them know you tagged them

I'm still trying to figure out why they chose the number eleven. Oh well. 
The link to the person who tagged me: Story Forger (Seriously great blog, check it out if you're a writer.)

1. If you were a penguin, how would you penguin?
This question is one of the reasons I decided to go ahead and do this. I always thought it would be fun to slide on my belly on ice, but since I'm human, people would think that was weird (also really cold... brrr) and if I was a penguin I could totally do that without problems, man. *nods* I'm not entirely sure if that is how I'm supposed to answer that question or not, but whatever. 

2. Which author(s) have influenced you most?
I actually get asked this question a lot. I can't say I have a single one or even a couple that have influenced me. I look at other authors and someday I want to be them. I want to be published and to be on library book shelves with my pages worn from being read. So in a way, seeing so many published authors is just influencing and encouraging. But I really like Lisa T. Bergren. My own writing style isn't anything like hers, but she was one of the reason I took writing back up after a hiatus. 

3. Favorite music artist?
Don't make me choose, ugh. Bach. I'm going to choose Bach. He's my favorite classical artist to play on the piano. 

4. What politician amuses you most?
All of them. "I want to conquer the world," said every politician ever.
"Hah," I scoff. "I'm going to and I don't even need to be in the presidential office. Beat that."

5. Favorite science?
Apologia Advanced Biology. (All them bones and muscles and pretty cells. ^_^)

6. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you hate math?
I'm going to say 5, because I don't know which way the scale tips. Is ten really hating it or is one really hating it? I don't know. I don't hate it, but I don't like it. So I'm somewhere in the middle ground. 

7. Lions, tigers, or bears?
Lions. I rule the African jungles with my prowess and lovely huge mane. *shrugs* 

8. Marvel or DC?
Marvel, though I don't have anything against DC. Captain America and Iron Man, though. <3

9. Coffee or Tea?
Coffee all the way. 

10. Favorite painting?
Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh. "How original of you, Sarah. *mellow people*" I know... I know... 

11. Do you have an excerpt of your first writing to share?
No actually. Well, I might. But it's in a journal somewhere buried and I don't feel like going to find it. XD 

Now to tag people and make them answer my questions. 

Olivia at Summer of 1999
Sayda at A Blooming Ache
Hope at The Epic Place

I can't think of anyone else to do. So. Question time. 

1. What/who do you fangirl over most?
2. What's your favorite animated movie?
3. Coffee or tea? (The age old question)
4. If you could turn into an animal what kind would you want to be?
5. What kind of mythical creature would you turn into?
6. Movies or TV shows?
7. Writing novels or short stories? (If you write)
8. What's your favorite book and/or author?
9. Do you like writing in first, second, or third person better?
10. What's your favorite kind of pizza? 
11. Iced or hot coffee/tea?

Alright. That concludes this I guess. Have fun, or don't do it at all. I supposed this is only so people can discover new blogs and to have a little bit of fun while doing it. *shrugs* I don't know. But you should check out all the blogs I listed, seriously. They're all so amazing and beautiful.

1 comment :

  1. Yay! Thanks for tagging me. This looks fun. :D I will be getting around to filling out and posting the answers to the questions someday. XD


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