
Chasing Passions, Part 1

One of my all time favorite Doctor Who quotes is: "If you are so desperate to stay alive, then why don't you live a little?"

When you read the quote without context, it sounds super serious. But when you're watching the episode that that quote is in, you realize the Doctor was almost being sarcastic. Ten has a way of saying very serious things in a playful way. He's pretty tactful. 

However, without giving away too many spoilers for those who haven't seen that episode, he yells this down at Donna who is hanging from a broken lift that was on the side of a building. Donna is yelling up at the Doctor to hurry up and he yells down the above quote at her. 

I didn't come to love the quote from that scene, however. I was looking for Doctor Who quotes on Pinterest for fun and read that one which happened to be on a scene with beautiful galaxies, and I realized the seriousness of the saying. 

We are so desperate to stay alive. 

Yet... we live in these bubbles of independence and only wish for the things we cannot have. 
We live in fear of the future and in regret of the past. The 'spur of the moment' things rarely happen and 'surprises' are looked at as a bad thing instead of an obstacle to overcome with logic. 

We want to stay alive, but we don't want to live.

Life is way too short to worry about what we look like all the time. It's too short to worry about where we will be in twenty years, or to wonder if we did the right thing in the past. We often look back on our lives and realize just how little we have done, and we get depressed over that sometimes. Everyone wishes they had done more in their life.

The thing is, we spend all our time wishing were adults or wishing for the next big break, that we miss what's in the moment. We miss having passions and hobbies and obsessions. We miss what God has planned for us.

I recently got to go to a writing workshop (which was absolutely AMAZING, by the way. [more on that some other time]) and one thing I saw there that made me so happy was seeing so many young adults with passion. There are quite a few of those people are published, or getting their writing careers going. There are a lot of them that haven't decided what they wanted to do in life yet, and some that are well on their way to being famous. But there was this underlying fact that we all enjoyed something. We all were passionate about writing, and about getting our stories out there. Not for fame, but because we had a message to tell.

We are all chasing passions, but sometimes we don't know where to start, or how to. Or we think we're "too young" to pursue what we love.

Let me explain you a thing.  You are never too young to start now.
Do I need to repeat it?

YOU ARE NEVER TOO YOUNG TO START NOW.  Do you have a vision? Do you have goals? What are the passions you wish to chase after?

I was encouraged so much at the writing workshop I attended. The last night, the speaker (Mr. S, creator of the One Year Adventure Novel writing course) spoke on courage. The title of his session was "The Mother of Giants". It was a beautiful sessions. The highlight of the week for me. It was on being brave, stepping out of our comfort zones and being humble. It was about following God's plans for our life and overcoming our fears.

If you are going to chase after your passions, you have to be brave. You have to be willing to step out of your comfort zones. And most of all, you have to being willing to be humble and to give grace out freely.

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