
April Reflections: Good Vibes, Frozen Sunsets and Chaotic Ramblings

Different kind of post. Instead of me telling you about something that is both boring and probably irrelevant to your life, I'm going to tell you something even more boring and completely irrelevant to your life, okay?

April reflections. I like reflecting on things. Like meditation, but... not. Because mediation is kind of weird and I have a short attention span. Mediation seems to take a lot of time. So therefore, reflections.

Let's start with some pictures shall we? I saw a beautiful sunset and really wanted pictures of it. My sister decided I was going to be a model. That's okay, though, because cool pictures:
My fedora, though. <3


"We get it, Sarah. You took pictures with the sun." 
I'm incredibly in love with these, okay? Also, my sister takes beautiful photos of the sun. I just happen to be standing in the way. 

Also, in April, there was a heck of a lot of snow. Like, dude. I could've lived without the snow, but okay. 

I love uggs...

I also took on a love for typography and staging it to take pictures of it, because hey, that's what you do when you're avoiding writing your novel. 

This one is my favorite:

You're all like, "Yeah, Sarah, we saw those on your Instagram." 
Okay... I got excited. 

I also finished the rough draft of my lovely novel 'An Imperfect Utopia'. It's like my brainchild. It's  beautiful, really. But I have no motivation to do the second draft, so...  nobody gets to read that yet.

I also got to go back to dance after like two months. After surgery and some physical therapy I got the okay to start it back slowly. Preparing for a Fairytale themed recital at the end of this month. I'm dancing en pointe to Colors of the Wind, lyrical ballet to Somewhere over the Rainbow and then some kind of big group dance to Castle by Halsey at the very end of the program. I'm really excited about that.

Anyway, I think I'll close this. It's mostly a post with a bunch of pictures and ramblings. Jesus is beautiful and He does amazing things everyday.  ALSO. On a random note, I got to meet Kent Hovind a couple days ago. That was pretty cool. I love science and so his talks were pretty amazing, but he talks so fast. Hetalkslikethisandsometimesit'shardtokeepup. Okay. Now I will say good bye. Happy May. Stay Rad.


  1. typography is a beautiful thing
    (also the sun o.o)

    1. It is if one can actually do it. I'm still learning, so it's not very good. But it's addicting and fun. *nods*
      (I know right? Sunsets are always the best. They seem to be so bright right before they give way to darkness. It's so awesome. But it was FREEZING that night. Oh well. XD)

  2. I love those pictures. All of them. <3 Just lovely.

    1. Thank you. <3 My sister is an amazing photographer. *nods*


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