
3 Reasons Introvert Creatives Should Sometimes Work Outside the Home (phew, that's a long title...)

I'm an introvert. Huge introvert, actually. I got like 95% on the MBTI test, not that tells anyone much. But I rarely leave my home. If I can avoid it, I don't hang around people. Some introverts love hanging out with people. I'm not saying all introverts are hermits, but the majority are. All my creative work used to come from me being in my bedroom and or on my couch. But last year I discovered the joy of writing in a coffee shop. I was able to actually focus more and to be able to write better stuff. The different setting got my creative juices to flow better. I was able to get a higher word count.

Most of the time, people don't understand that different settings can help the brain be more creative. I've never written or done anything creative related in a library or a restaurant before, but I can make a safe assumption that it will do the same thing as being creative in a coffee shop. 

So, why? What's the point of leaving my room? The people are out there. O_O

Creativity Flow

You know that mean ol' writer's (or artist's) block? Yeah, me too. You know how stubbornly it sometimes clings onto you? Well, sometimes just getting out of your house, taking a walk to the coffee shop or library and sitting there with some music (or not...) helps a lot. 

Creativity seems to come in random spurts. You can't always wait for those spurts of creativity, because they sometimes never come. But you can do things that might increase the chance of doing such things. Taking a deep breath of the fresh air and a sip of that hot caramel latte (cocoa? tea?) is just what you need. To listen to the hum of the people around you, the echo of the music in your earphones playing the "fight scene" track. Or perhaps the stillness of the library, the quiet and no nonsense people around you. The scene change helps flow creativity. 


As introverts, I think we have a higher ability to tell the vibes of people. Now, if you're an extrovert and are reading and are like "hey, dude, I can feel vibes, too." Yes, please don't get angry. I totally understand that most people can feel the vibes. But introverts have a tendency to just...watch. When you're in a public place where there are other peoples, you can gather more of a realistic view of the types of people you don't usually hang around with. You can feel their vibes, try and interpret them and then be able to later on use that to help build a character. 

Not just writing, though. If you're an artist like a painter or drawer, you can draw what you see. You can feel the vibe of the business woman as she gets her soy, half-fat, no sugar latte (yuck...). You can interpret that into your painting or drawing more clearly. Not that I really know, because I don't draw... But I try...

Uninterrupted Creativity

At home, you have parents, siblings... pets. If you're at college, you probably have dorm people...roomies. You get interrupted a lot, right? Not that you won't be interrupted at a coffee shop or library or somewhere else, but the chances are a lot slimmer. People won't bother you if you have earphones in and are drawing/typing/painting/whatever. 

Uninterrupted creativity goes along with the creativity flow. When you have no interruptions, your brain has a chance to work... to actually breathe; to be creative. 


So... You get to drink coffee and be creative, right? Ha. I know it's hard to get out sometimes. It's hard to break away from the freedom of your home, the ability to be able to watch TV and write at the same time (one of my most favorite things in the world, by the way). But not only will having a change in scenery help with your creativity, but it will help your soul breathe. After a long week, all I want to do is sit down at the coffee shop on Sunday afternoon and write. But my coffee shop isn't open on Sundays. Neither is the library... Hm. But seriously. As introverts, we tend to hide a lot. I know a lot of introverts that really get out there and hang out with people all the time. Introvert doesn't mean that we don't like people. But in the end, how many hours a week do you actually spend being creative outside of your home or dorm?

(CALL TO ACTION.) NOW IT'S YOUR TURN, MY FRIEND. I would love to hear from you. Trust me, I don't bite. ;) Well, actually, I think some would argue that... *shrugs*
What are some of your favorite places to spend time being creative? Does it help with your creativity? Is it relaxing? Comment and share! (Y'know, only if you want....)

*whispers* By the way, next week I'm talking about the Tenth Doctor and Sherlock Holmes, so be sure to tune in next time.... Can you even read this? I dunno, man, it's cool.


  1. Wow, I love this post. Good job. :)

    I especially enjoy watching people, just sitting in my own little corner and observing. It really teaches you so much about human nature, and I feel that my characters are more realistic because of it.

    1. Well thank you. ^_^

      Yesss. It's so much fun. *nods*


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